Klapa Zikva

Graphic design

Client: Klapa Zikva


Project: CD Cover Design & Print



The client is a women's klapa that is releasing a sound carrier for the first time, published by Croatia Records. They want to connect the name of their klapa "Zikva" which means "cradle" with the origin of the klapa itself, and that is the island of Pasman. Their idea is for the old cradle to be somehow incorporated into one of the Pašman beaches. They had already tried to collaborate with another designer, but were not satisfied. According to our instructions, the client did a photo session to get quality photos.



In creating the graphic solution, the biggest challenge was to find a suitable "cradle", edit it and incorporate it into a photo of the Pašman beach. The designer chose sepia tones in order to achieve uniformity of colors and a more realistic depiction of the cradle on the beach. We have modernized the classic sepia with fonts, so the overall impression is minimalist, modern and elegant, and yet a bit mystical.